The Unknown Scouter2024/01/240 Comments

Jan./Feb. 2024 TLC

Date Activity
1/27 Ice fishing day trip
1/29 Advancements, practice for Webelos night, plan menu for Feb. activity
2/4 Scout Sunday 10am
2/5 Webelos Night: First Aid
2/6 Webelos Night: First Aid 6:60pm@ Community Grace Church, 78th and Wadsworth
2/8 Grocery shopping for Feb. activity 7pm Walmart 72nd and Sheridan
2/9 - 2/11 2/9 5pm Wolford Reservoir winter camping, ice fishing, sledding
2/12 6:30pm TLC, 7pm Hike local trails (weather permitting)
2/19 8am-4pm President’s Day Scavenger Hunt
5pmTroop meeting - SPL nominations
2/26 Swim night

Monitor the troop Google calendar for updates and specifics

Ray2024/01/240 Comments

Wow, it has been awhile.

It seems I post to this blog at the beginning or end of the year, and sometimes there's something in-between. Last year, there was nothing in-between.  I'll try to post here more often as stuff warrants.

First of all, welcome to 2024!  Our scouts have a great program planned for this year, and we look forward to seeing that all unfold for them over the next 12 months.

Last year, someone read my blog entry and determined that Troop 324 is a military-styled troop.  I looked it over: all it asked for was for folks to be courteous and respectful to each other, to the aims and methods of the BSA (which includes uniforms), and to the Scout Law and Oath.  If that's militaristic in your mind, do yourself a favor: don't join the military.  All we ask is that we all work together to be Scouts, to learn what's offered, have fun, and to make smile-worthy memories.


  • Summer Camp is coming!  Please, as soon as possible:
    1. Get registered with our troop if you're not.
    2. Ensure that your YPT is current.
    3. Sign up for Summer Camp and get paid up.
    4. Start camping with the troop on our regular weekend activities. You need to see how we work, and we need to see how you work. Even if you were a Scout in your youth, camping as a Scouter is a totally different thing. Read The OFFICIAL Troop 324 Incomplete Guide to Summer Camp for Adults. It's a short read, it's fairly entertaining, and it will make this easier for you and for the rest of us.
    5.  Get your IOLS training done if you haven't already (see the Greater Colorado Council calendar, starting in April).
    6. Complete the SM/ASM position-specific training: navigate to > My Training > Scouts BSA > Scouts BSA - Scoutmaster Position Specific Training.
      And please do these things in that order!
  • Dues and recharter payments are due. Please see the Payments page for more information on amounts and convenient payment methods.
  • Sign up for our troop calendar and e-mail list (select "Send Anyway" - these links just leave our web provider's domain to go to external services, namely Google calendar and MailChimp.)

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