The Unknown Scouter2019/01/150 Comments

Results of TLC 15-January-2019

The Troop Leadership Committee (aka Greenbar Patrol) had its monthly meeting last night at 6:30pm and planned the coming weeks' worth of meetings and activities. Cookies were served - those who arrived on time got first pick of unbroken cookies. 

Troop Leadership Committee Weekly Meeting Planning Sheet

Date Main Topic
1/14 Scout Show ideas
Pre-announce mini-completion clinic
1/21 Sled waxing and fire starting and other training for Klondike
Pre-announce mini-completion clinic
1/25-1/27 Viking Vinter Vonderland (Klondike)
1/28 Mini-completion MB Selection
Crossover prep/training; Scout Sunday prep
2/4 Mini-completion clinic
2/10 Scout Sunday
2/11 Plan Scout Show booth
2/15-2/17 Ice fishing and Bear's Okpic program
2/18 Scavenger Hunt, then tell the stories, eat the pizza, drink the soda, count the heads, play the games
  • Ray can get the architect who taught Architecture at MBC to come teach at a troop meeting (late in February?)
  • 3/16: Troop 324 works the Valley District Recognition Dinner

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