The Unknown Scouter2019/09/09

Popcorn Sales!

Hi All!

The annual popcorn sale is underway, and we're off to a really good start. This is the primary funding mechanism for the troop, and you're probably wondering where the money goes. Generally you can learn the details at the committee meeting, but we mainly use it to cover:

  • Rechartering
  • Court of Honor expenses
  • Holding reservations at camps
  • Camperships/Scholarships/Committee contributions to camp fees
  • Costs associated with activities not covered by whatever you pay

The camperships/scholarships are really important.  We want all of our youth to have a really good Scouting experience, and we don't want money to stand in the way. When we all chip in and sell popcorn, it helps *everyone* to have more fun.

Remember, the top-seller will have their summer camp paid and can smoosh a pie in Bear's face! 2nd-highest seller gets to smoosh pie in Ray's face. Everyone who meets the $300 sales minimum gets their recharter paid by the troop. Finally, this sale helps you to earn money to put towards your Scouting expenses.

You can only lose if you don't participate!

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