The Unknown Scouter2019/05/130 Comments

Troop Leadership Committee Weekly Meeting Planning Sheet

Output of 13 May 2019 TLC
Date Event
5/20 baseline reqs for pers mgmt
5/27 no meeting
6/1 i&e cleanup
6/3 possibly Bike Safety MB
6/7 - 6/15 High Adventure
6/10 possibly Bike Safety MB
6/17 Prep for Extended
6/20 - 6/23 Extended Camp Out
6/24 Golf MB
7/1 Golf MB
7/6 V&S&P cleanup
7/7 - 7/13 Summer Camp Tahosa
The Unknown Scouter2019/04/190 Comments

SCOUT SHOW, and some reminders

Hi folks,

We still need a few items to make the Scout Show obstacle course happen:

  • Old tires (but clean / safe enough to play)
  • Long 4x4s for balance beams (or a skate-grinding rail, if you're into that)
  • A kiddie pool, AKA That Which Kills a 5-ft Circle of Lawn
  • A ladder  (Ray and Polly have one of those articulated ladders and he might be able to bring that.)

We also need you to sign up to work a shift. <- Clickable Youth: This isn't an optional thing - you need to help grow your troop.  Adults: It isn't right to expect Bear to do everything on his own - support your son's Scoutmaster, please.

Other reminders....

  • The location of this weekend's camp out has changed: we're going up to the Arapho National Forest near the Nevadaville Ghost Town and historic cemetery.  Those who went a couple of years ago might remember that this was a wild, rustic camping experience that allowed you to make use of your Scout Skills (building shelters, starting a campfire, orienteering, hiking, etc.)  Because it is Easter weekend, we will be coming home on Saturday night after supper so that you won't miss the holiday with your families.
  • As soon as the output of the TLC makes its way to Ray and to Evan K., we can get that posted here.
  • A word to the wise: think about flag etiquette and proper uniforming.
  • NYLT: If you want to go, please contact Ray ASAP!
The Unknown Scouter2019/03/220 Comments

We have much to celebrate!

This Monday we're having a dessert Court of Honor starting at 6:30 pm!  Bring a dessert, such as cookies, ice cream, brownies, etc.  (nothing with nuts in it, please!)  Drinks and coffee supplied. 

It's official: Chuck Sherman, our awesome Advancement Coordinator and District Advancement Chair, is now a Silver Beaver! 

We're having our Investment in Character presentation during the Court of Honor, but please don't let that stop you from coming to the Court of Honor. While it's a worthwhile cause, we know that not everyone can make a big pledge, so even if it's a $0 pledge, please be there to sign the pledge card that says that.   However, if you can make a pledge, please do.  Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of the IC Family Campaign is not to give our professional scouters a raise.  It funds camperships and scholarships, improvements to our Council camps, insurance for when you volunteer or participate in an event, and keeps the lights on at the Scout Shop, among other things.  Remember, you need not write a check right then and there -  you are only making a pledge (which can be spread out over 10 months, or done via charge card, or done on Colorado Gives Day - the possibilities are endless).  But please discuss it with your family *before* the Monday presentation and be prepared to complete the pledge card, and please don't make Ray chase you down for a response. 

Summer Camp: we are out of time for you to get signed up!  We're going to one of the most beautiful camps in the world, our own Tahosa High Adventure Training Base.  Older Scouts can do the Tahosa Trek, and younger Scouts will have a week of earning merit badges and rank advancements, and of course there will be plenty of free time to fish, walk around, see cool stuff, and just have fun. Please get signed up on Monday night!!

The Unknown Scouter2019/01/150 Comments

Results of TLC 15-January-2019

The Troop Leadership Committee (aka Greenbar Patrol) had its monthly meeting last night at 6:30pm and planned the coming weeks' worth of meetings and activities. Cookies were served - those who arrived on time got first pick of unbroken cookies. 

Troop Leadership Committee Weekly Meeting Planning Sheet

Date Main Topic
1/14 Scout Show ideas
Pre-announce mini-completion clinic
1/21 Sled waxing and fire starting and other training for Klondike
Pre-announce mini-completion clinic
1/25-1/27 Viking Vinter Vonderland (Klondike)
1/28 Mini-completion MB Selection
Crossover prep/training; Scout Sunday prep
2/4 Mini-completion clinic
2/10 Scout Sunday
2/11 Plan Scout Show booth
2/15-2/17 Ice fishing and Bear's Okpic program
2/18 Scavenger Hunt, then tell the stories, eat the pizza, drink the soda, count the heads, play the games
  • Ray can get the architect who taught Architecture at MBC to come teach at a troop meeting (late in February?)
  • 3/16: Troop 324 works the Valley District Recognition Dinner

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