Eagle Scout Opportunities

Becoming an Eagle Scout carries many responsibilities to yourself, your unit, to all Eagle Scouts everywhere, to your community/nation/world; but there are also some opportunities that come with earning the Eagle Rank.

  • Eagle Scout
    Military rank: Every branch of the U.S. military allows Eagle Scouts to enter at a higher rank and pay grade than people who aren't Eagle Scouts.
    Career: Many employment recruiters look for "Eagle Scout" on a resume. Employers are looking for the traits that Eagle Scouts possess.
  • Apprenticeships
    Subsidized training Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), funding is available to offset the training costs of a new employee. On-the-Job Training (OJT) is for individuals who are hired into a full-time position with a business who is participating in the program. Employee’s wages can be subsidized through the Denver Workforce Center at 50% during the training period up to six months and $3,000 - as funds are available During on-the-job training, the business helps the individual develop the skills and work ethics needed for the position and place of business.
  • Scouts Scholarships (Comprehensive List)
  • Public Safety Cadet Program
    If you are interested in a career as a Denver police officer, firefighter or deputy sheriff, the Denver Public Safety Cadet Program is a great opportunity to consider.

    Those who are accepted into the Cadet Program work part-time in Denver’s public safety agencies while attending college full-time. Cadets are compensated $13 per hour (up to 35 hours per week) and receive paid in-state tuition and books at the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU) or the University of Colorado Denver (UCD).
  • ROTC
    Joining AFROTC gives you the opportunity to enter the Air Force as an officer and leader, which means you will have the responsibility of a management position straight out of college

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